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Links about Ore Mountains and Sudetenland

Znovobjevené Krušnohoří (Rediscovered Ore Mountains) – excellent website with up to date information as well as lots of archive materials (in Czech and German).
Antikomplex – website of the an NGO with an extensive project about Sudeten, creators of the „Zmizele Sudety“ (Vanished Sudeten) project (in Czech and German).
Babička je Oma – a film documentary about Ms Severová and her life, by Martin Janoušek (2006). 


Rudné is now a village in the Czech Republic, in the Ore Mountains (Krušné Hory), about 10 kilometers from the border with Germany. Today Rudné has 162 permanent inhabitants and many weekend houses. The name Rudné was given to the village in 1948. 

Before that, ever since the first mention of the village in 1556, it was called Trinksaifen. Before the Second World War, there were 1400 inhabitants –  mostly German speaking citizens of pre-war Czechoslovakia.

Links about Trinksaifen/Rudné itself

Links about the region – Ore Mountains/Krušné Hory

Old and new photos of Trinksaifen/Rudné

In 2003, a Czech NGO called Antikomplex organized an exhibition and published a book called  „Zmizelé Sudety“ („Das verschundene Sudetenland“, „Vanished Sudeten“). The idea is simple – find old photographs and make new ones from exactly the same spot, 60 or 70 years later.

The duos of photographs (fotodvojice) from Trinksaifen/Rudné are here.

A two page summary of the project is on the History page.

Pre-war photos of Trinksaifen

Thanks for the permission to use these photos from the translation of pre-war village chronicle (Pamětní kniha obce) into Czech, prepared by Roman Kloc with the help of Rosa Severová, Margit Klocová, Barbara Kosíková and Milan Augustin.

More old photos of Trinksaifen, on the Znovuobjevené Krušnohoří (Rediscovered Ore Mountains) website – there are historical photos, as well as the photo chronicle of Robert Šperl, the post-war writer of the village chronicle.

Current photos from Rudné

Thanks to Barbora Kosíková for providing these photos – these are photos taken by the current inhabitants of the village, prepared for a recent exhibition.

More current photos of Trinksaifen here.